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Live Like A Warrior (Richello Remix) - Matisyahu


Feel like the world don't love you
They only want to push you away
Some days people don't see you
You feel like you're in the way
Today you feel, as if everyone hates
Pointing their fingers, looking at your mistakes
伸长手指 不断放大你的过失
You do good, they want great
当你做得不错 他们只要更好
No matter what you give they still want to take
无论你付出多少 他们总想要更多
Give your love and they throw it back
付出你的爱 却又被狠狠丢回来
You give your heart they go on attack
掏出你的心 却又被深深地伤害
When there's nothing left for you,
Only thing that you can do, say

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 好好活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Fight like a Warrior,

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 灿烂活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Live like a Warrior

Some things you should let go, they're only gonna pull you down
有些事是你应该放手的 那些东西只会扯你的後腿
Just like weight on your shoulder they are only gonna make you drown
就像是压在肩膀上的重担 那些东西只会让你沉溺
We all swing high, we all swing low,
人都是这样的 有起有落
We all got secrets people don't know
人都是这样的 总有秘密不能说
We all got dreams we can't let go,
人都是这样的 总有个梦想不能放手
We want to brave, Don't be afraid
我们都想要变得勇敢 那就别害怕吧

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 好好活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Fight like a Warrior,

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 灿烂活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Live like a Warrior

Your heart is too heavy from things you carry a long time,
You been up you been down, tired and you don't know why,
天堂地狱你都去过了 但却始终不懂为什麼还是会累
But you're never gonna go back, you only live one life
但你是永远不会退缩的 毕竟人只有一辈子
Let go, let go, let goooooo, Let go, let go, let goooooo,
该放手的 就放手吧 该忘掉的 也忘掉吧

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 好好活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Fight like a Warrior,

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 灿烂活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Live like a Warrior

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 好好活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Fight like a Warrior,

Today, today, live like you wanna,
今天 就是今天 灿烂活著
Let yesterday burn and throw it in a fire, in a fire, in a fire,
让昨天在过去燃烧成灰 再将灰烬扔向火焰
Live like a Warrior

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